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Tools for Recyclers
About the Car-Part Products Website:
Our goal is to provide you, the auto recycler, with the tools and services to help you run your business "Faster, Better, Cheaper."

We are auto recyclers.
  • This means we find the problems first and live with the same features you do.
  • It keeps us honest and focused on you, the customer. We thank you for everything you have done for us in the past 11 years and look forward to continue serving you in the future!

We use our own software every day.

We love the Internet.
  • We sell our parts on, our own website, our state association web site, and to DRP shops who use CCC or Mitchell estimating systems.
  • We sell to core buyers using Coremate™.
  • Trading Partners™ software helps us locate parts from 3,300 auto recyclers.
  • Car-Part Messaging™ helps us serve our customers better, and buy and sell parts instantly using the Internet.

Call us at (859) 344-1925, or use the links on the left, to learn how our Tools for Recylers can help you run YOUR BUSINESS
"Faster, Better, Cheaper."


Looking for a better Inventory Management System? Consider Checkmate by!

Questions about our products?
Call Car-Part at (859) 344-1925. You can also reach us via email for sales assistance or general information.

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