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Tools for Recyclers

Volume 02 - Issue 11
August 4, 2009

What's NEW in Bidmate Version 5.12?
Now faster and easier than ever!

You asked for it! Bidmate™ Version 5.12 has improved, thanks to your suggestions and feedback. Version 5.12 now works faster and more efficiently with enhancements and upgrades designed to help you bid more effectively.

Here's what's new in Bidmate Version 5:
  • No need to close and reopen program to export - In Version 5.12, you no longer have close and reopen Bidmate to regain a lost connection to your inventory management system. When you regain the connection, you will be able to export your vehicles, parts, and Price Book changes without closing the program.
  • Automatic import of your recycler data - You can now import your data straight from your inventory management system. After the initial setup, you can even schedule the import to run automatically on any day and at any time.
  • List of parts that should use grade multipliers - Bidmate allows you to reduce the price of a part based on the grade, but sometimes this feature isn't perfect for all parts. You can now specify which parts you want to be priced based on the grade multipliers.
  • Use shop rate to calculate damage costs - You can reduce the bid price of a damaged part by the amount of money it will cost you to repair the part. You specify your hourly shop rate and how much time repairs take, and Bidmate will take those costs into account when recommending a bid price.
  • Include dismantling time - If you want to automatically deduct the amount of money it costs you to dismantle a vehicle from the bid, you can! This is a great feature if you like to separate your dismantling costs from the rest of the bid deductions.
  • Quantity on hand for non-interchange parts - In Version 5.12, you can now see the quantity you have on hand for your non-interchange parts. The quantity displayed is based on the same proven alternate part tables that display your alternate parts in Checkmate.
  • Trading Partners search for non-interchange parts - In Bidmate, you can now launch a Trading Partners™ search even when your parts do not have interchange.
  • Wheel and wheel cover image search - It's easy to perform a wheel image search from Bidmate and Partmate™, provided that you are connected to the Internet and are a subscriber to this service.
  • Export Bidmate/Partmate settings to another computer - You can now make transfer all of your settings from one Bidmate/Partmate computer to another, so they are the same. This is a big time saver if you have customized your parts lists or set up auctions. You can do all the work in one computer and then send it to another one as a file. On the new computer, simply import the file and all the settings will be saved.
If you would like to learn more about Bidmate or if you are interested in upgrading to Version 5.12, please contact your sales rep.


Did You Know? was featured in a recent issue of The Driver magazine. In his article, "Going Green in Auto Parts," David Gold of Standard Auto Wreckers said, "The most profound way in which recycled auto parts have gained the necessary exposure that consumers are able to tap into is through the workings of a free service called This internet based system allows for the transparent listing of all 3000 participating auto recyclers inventory where anyone with a computer can search for parts and locate them in their local area and beyond."


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