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Tools for Recyclers

Volume 02 - Issue 10
June 12, 2009

Cash for Clunkers Bill Passed by the House of Representatives

On June 10, 2009, The United States House of Representatives passed an environmentally harmful "Cash for Clunkers" bill. If made a law in its current form, this will prohibit automotive recyclers and dismantlers from harvesting and reselling engines from vehicles turned in under the program. This "Cash for Clunkers" program would force the destruction of certain vehicles' engines. Versions of this legislation under review in the United States Senate would also force the destruction of transmissions and drive train components in these vehicles. "Cash for Clunkers" will adversely affect both the environment and the automotive recycling industry - recycled parts save C02 emissions, energy, and our earth. We must take action.

The "Cash for Clunkers" program is a proposed inclusion to the American Clean Energy and Security (ACES) Act. In its current form, the Cash for Clunkers Temporary Vehicle Trade-In bill would prohibit recyclers from harvesting and selling engines from vehicles receiving an 18 mile per gallon or less rating. The automobile repair businesses and consumers who purchase these recycled vehicle components would be faced with a decline in available parts. Recyclers and consumers both rely on parts from recycled vehicles not only because of their substantial savings in reducing repair costs and lowering insurance premiums, but because of the very strong environmental benefits as well.

The United States Senate is also considering other versions of similar legislation and will likely be acting on this in the near future. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) has put forth a proposal which would allow automotive recyclers to sell individual drive train components. Another proposal put forth by Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) does not include that allowance and also provides for stricter fuel mileage requirements.

To learn more about the specific environmental benefits provided by recycled automotive parts, click here.

What can you do to help?

Make sure your representatives and senators know that you oppose the Cash for Clunkers Temporary Vehicle Trade-In bill! If you are unable to schedule a personal visit, you can fax or mail a letter to your senator of representative district office.

To find your senator, click here.

To find your governor, click here.

To view sample letters suggested by the Automotive Recyclers Association, click here.


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