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Tools for Recyclers

Volume 02 - Issue 6
March 30, 2009

Checkmate's "Category" Field
Mark the status of your parts

If you aren't using the "Category" field in Checkmate®, you could be depriving your salespeople of valuable information. This field, introduced in Checkmate08, allows you to specify the status of a part, giving your sales staff information on how long it will take to deliver it to the customer.

The "Category" field allows you to label a part as "warehouse," "yard," or "yard unbolted." When the person who inventories a part specifies one of these categories for a part, this information will be displayed on the "Find and Sell" screen when a salesperson looks up the part. If the salesperson sees that the part is in the warehouse or unbolted in the yard, he or she will know that the part can be quickly delivered to your customer. This information is very valuable to your salespeople and to your customers.

You can specify a category in Checkmate08 when you are entering a loose part in 2,2 (I15 in Classic) You can also access this field when editing a part in 2,5 (I3 in Classic) or from the "Find and Sell" screen. In Partmate™, you can mark the category with the radio buttons in the "Part" box on the "Parts" tab. This information is automatically sent to Checkmate when you export your work from Partmate. The category field is not asked when entering a dismantling report in 2,1 (I14 in Classic).

For more information about Checkmate08 and the "Category" field, please contact your Checkmate support rep.

Did You Know?

When you are inventorying an electronic component and you aren't sure which one it is, Checkmate customers can often find out by running the ID number for EBX, CBX, and ABK. The ID/OEM lookup can be used with any part that has interchange. If you are looking for a certain EBX/CBX, you can also find the ID/OEM numbers in the notes and this will give your parts puller something to look for. The numbers may not always match exactly, but they will be similar. Keep in mind that they may have different letters at the end.

32-bit Versus 64-bit Computers
Your choice affects your software

When you purchase a new computer to use with your software, there are several things to consider. One choice you must make is whether to buy a computer with a 32-bit processor or a 64-bit processor. The basic difference between the two is how much data the computer can process at a time - a 32-bit processor can handle 32 bits at a time, and a 64-bit processor can handle more data at time. But it is a bit more complicated than that.

While a 64-bit processor can handle more intensive programs than a 32-bit processor, it would be a mistake to assume that a 64-bit system will make all processes faster. Many variables factor into the overall speed of your system; for example, if applications are designed for a 32-bit system, you may not see any difference in speed even if you run them on a 64-bit processor. Also, in order for a computer to be a 64-bit system, all of the hardware drivers must be 64-bit compatible. Many mid- to high-end computers are compatible with 64-bit hardware, but few actually come with the 64-bit operating system so they only operate on 32 bits anyway.

Most personal computers have a 32-bit version of Windows. 64-bit systems are more costly, don't run all programs, require compatible security software, require hard-to-find compatible drivers, and require a 64-bit operating system to take advantage of the 64-bit processor. 32-bit systems are also far more reliable than popular, cheap 64-bit computers. The driver support for 64-bit Windows is lower quality compared to its 32-bit counterpart, especially when it comes to printers and USB to serial devices commonly used by auto recyclers. Some hardware and software commonly used in the recycling industry do not have support in 64-bit Windows. You may not be allowed to install software packages, and even if they are installed they may not run properly. For these reasons, software is designed to run on a 32-bit system and has not been fully tested on a 64-bit system.

If you already have a 64-bit computer and it is working fine, you may be okay. This is the direction PCs will be moving towards, so having one does prepare you for the future. If you have a 64-bit computer and you are having problems with it, you will probably need to contact the manufacturer and see if you can get a copy of the operating system in 32-bit.

If you are looking to buy a new computer, many manufacturers still offer 32-bit systems - just check their websites. If you are going to a large retailer, like Best Buy, check a PC before buying to determine which version it uses. recommends that you use Windows XP Professional; if you are determined to buy Windows Vista, several customers have had luck with Dell systems.

If you have any questions about Car-Part software, or its compatibility with your machine, please contact your technical support rep.

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