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The Car-Part Scoop
Volume 01 - Issue 06
March 31, 2008

Sell more parts with Brokerage Services
List additional parts so customers can buy from you

Parts brokering allows you to add parts that you don't have in stock to your online inventory. Your search results will display your own parts as well as others’ parts, which means you can offer a wider inventory to your customers without storing or buying the parts yourself before they sell. makes parts brokering easy with our Brokerage Services.

You can broker parts with aftermarket part vendors like The Connection, Brock Supply, and Nu-Parts Automotive Products. You can also broker parts with another recycler signed up with When a brokerage agreement is formed, the parts from these vendors or recyclers will show up in your online inventory. The prices will automatically be marked up by a dollar amount and/or percentage of your choosing. When a customer searches your inventory, the brokered parts will be displayed (with the adjusted prices) and your customer will know that you can supply these parts.

The basic brokerage service comes with five recycler and aftermarket vendor brokerage partners, so you can ensure that you are able to fill your customers’ needs. Brokerage Services are included in the Car-Part Gold package, and extra brokerage agreements can be purchased in addition to those included in the package. For more information about Brokerage Services and how easy it is to implement brokering in your business, contact your salesperson.

Did You Know?

Some of our products require new computer equipment. Car-Part offers all the equipment you need at a reasonable cost, but if you plan to buy this equipment yourself from an outside source, please call your support representative and get the exact specifications. Otherwise, ordering the incorrect equipment could result in delays in getting set up with your new software.

SmartVin™ and Smart Interchange™ in Checkmate07®
Faster inventory searches and smarter dismantling reports

With the introduction of SmartVin and Smart Interchange, Checkmate07 has enhanced sales lookups, dismantling reports, and the inventory process. SmartVin and Smart Interchange technology determines attributes about your vehicles and parts as you work, so you don’t have to.

Every time you enter a VIN in Checkmate07, SmartVin will determine certain information about your vehicle, and interchange choices will be eliminated before you even begin working (saving you time while inventorying or looking up a parts). You now also have the option to print your dismantler reports (including Car-Part Reports) while incorporating SmartVin. The SmartVin version of your reports will exclude options from the report that were determined to be invalid.

Whether you have a VIN or not, you will find Smart Interchange to be extremely useful when doing a multiple-part lookup from the “Find & Sell” screen. Smart Interchange learns about a vehicle while you work and eliminates interchange questions accordingly. For example, when you first inventory or look up a transmission on a vehicle and identify it as an automatic transmission, you can then look up a flywheel (on the same vehicle) and avoid the question the second time around. Because you already identified the vehicle as an automatic, Smart Interchange helps Checkmate07 remember your choice and will not ask you that again.

SmartVin and Smart Interchange can work together to simplify part lookups and inventory searches, or assist you separately on dismantling reports and working on vehicles without a VIN. No matter how you use them, they can only shorten task time and increase accuracy for your business.

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