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Tools for Recyclers

Volume 01 - Issue 02
February 1, 2008

Hot Sellers Reports
Car-Part Gold offers accurate information about the parts your customers are trying to find

Did you know that all Car-Part Gold subscribers are eligible to access Hot Sellers Reports at no extra charge? Hot Sellers Reports allow you to view information about what your customers look for in their searches and on your website. If you are a Car-Part Gold subscriber and you are not using your Hot Sellers Reports, you are missing out on a great way to understand your customers and your selling potential.

Hot Sellers Reports, which are based on interchange numbers, give you information about the search activity on the Car-Part marketplace, your website, and most importantly, your F-Key searches. Your F-Key searches, or Trading Partners searches, are the parts your salesmen look up when you do not have the part in your own inventory. By studying this Hot Sellers Report, you can see which parts are looked up most often and which parts your customers want to buy from you that you have been unable to provide. By studying these searches, you can buy smarter and better fill your customers’ needs.

Other available reports inform you of the Hot Sellers from’s main search, the Hot Sellers in your region, and the Hot Sellers on your personal website. In each category, the Top 100 Models Report will show you the 100 most commonly searched models. You will see the number of searches made for each model, and what percentage of the total searches were for that model. You can also see the top 30 part searches for this model, along with the number of searches and appropriate percentage for each part type for that model. The Top 52 Parts Report shows the most popular parts and interchange numbers, and helps to make sure you are inventorying the parts people are buying.

If you already have Car-Part Gold or Website Advantage and would like to learn more about how to access your reports, please contact your Car-Part support representative. If you do not have Car-Part Gold and would like information on how to subscribe to this service, please contact your salesperson. Statistics tracking for your business only begins once you have signed up for Car-Part Gold.

Did You Know?
If you ever wonder which Checkmate® screens you can use your F-Keys on, just look in the upper left-hand corner. It will indicate which keys will do something for you on this screen. If your keystrokes don’t do anything, it means you are not subscribed to that service. Call your salesperson for more details.

Partmate Dismantling Reports
New Partmate inventory tool provides simple dismantling reports

With Partmate™, the new inventory tool from, you can easily create and print a Dismantling Instructions Report. When you are finished inventorying a vehicle, just print this report for your dismantler and it will describe what you want done with each one of the parts.

When you are inventorying a new vehicle with Partmate, you can select where you want each individual part to go. Simply use the radio buttons to choose the warehouse (Whse), unbolted in the yard (Yrd Unbolted), or bolted in the yard (Yard). You can also mark core parts with the “Core” checkbox. When you print out your Dismantling Instructions Report, all of the inventoried parts will be separated into these categories for your dismantler along with the description, grade, and damage code of each part. There is also a “Notes” section where you can write additional notes for your dismantler.

If you have Partmate now, you already effortlessly update your Checkmate® inventory with only the push of a button. When you have finished inventorying a vehicle and are ready to update Checkmate, you can also print a dismantling report by going to Print>Dismantling Instructions Report. If you do not have Partmate and would like to learn more, please contact your salesperson.

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