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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 49
August 19, 2009

Keeping Employees Enthusiastic

Have you noticed that over time many employees tend to lose some of the enthusiasm they had when you first hired them? It's very easy to view this as being the result of a bad hire. The employee is just not as motivated to work as you thought. Don't be quick to lay the blame on the employee or your ability to select the best candidate. There may be other factors at work here. Dr David Sirota, an organizational researcher, conducted extensive research into ways of motivating employees. His findings are based on surveys from over four million workers around the world. This issue's link will take you to Sirota's Three-Factor Theory of Human Motivation in the Workplace. There, you can read a short summary of his findings and some recommendations that could address this situation in your business. As you read through the recommendations you will see that they may also be the answer to many other personnel issues. Don't miss this one!

Inspirational Words of the Day

"I need more time!

First rule of decision making: More time does not create better decisions. In fact, it usually decreases the quality of the decision. More information may help. More time without more information just creates anxiety, not insight. Deciding now frees up your most valuable asset, time, so you can go work on something else. What happens if, starting today, you make every decision as soon as you have a reasonable amount of data?”

- Seth Godin, Seth Godin's Blog

Checkmate Tip: More New Features in Checkmate Build 65

The latest Checkmate release, Build 65, is packed with new features. Be sure to take a few minutes to read the release notes to get an idea of the power and flexibility of your new Checkmate software. Keep those notes close by as you will probably want to refer to the notes again as you work more with your new software.

Did you share the new release information with your staff? Be sure to share this information with your other Checkmate users. Your sales or inventory staff may find some new features in Build 65 that satisfy their needs.

In this Nugget we cover some more of the great new features in the Checkmate Build 65 that we feel you will find valuable.

Now there are two description fields: The description field in parts inventory is now 2 separate fields. The first one is the user description field. It has been expanded to 128 characters. You now have the room to fully describe your part so that when it is viewed on the web, customers can see the condition of the part. This space can also be employed by ICM users who use Alphacom to insert a hyperlink to view part or vehicle photos - more on this in a forthcoming issue of the Nugget.

The second field is the interchange description. This description is taken directly from the interchange and cannot be edited. However, if you would like, you can have Checkmate automatically copy the interchange description into the user description. You can do this by going into Miscellaneous Questions (Checkmate 6,10,6). In most cases you will still have space to enter additional information at the end of the interchange description although there are a few cases where the interchange description uses all or most of the space.

Purchase Order prompt: You can now have the system ask you to create a PO when you sell an extra sale part. You set this default by going to 1,10,4 in Checkmate and setting the answer to the question "Do you want the option to create purchase orders when selling a part not in inventory" to Yes.

For Classic users: Are you perplexed when you faced with instructions such as "go to 1,10,4" instead of the Classic menu choice? The solution is easy. Simply move to the "Go To" line and enter the Checkmate menu numbers. Your Classic system will automatically take you to the corresponding Classic function.

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