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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 47
July 16, 2009

Overcoming a Sales Dip

What a "ride" most recyclers experienced over the last year! The highest scrap and core prices in decades quickly eroded into some of the lowest. Car dealers declared bankruptcy. Others were stripped of their franchises. Retail customers lost their jobs by the thousands. The fact that most recyclers somehow adjusted to the dramatic swings in their businesses is a testament to their perseverance, their ingenuity, the numerous operating options available to recyclers, and even to their good luck.

If you are still struggling with low sales, or find yourself in that situation in the future, you may find this issue's link a great resource on how to deal with your challenge. In just a few paragraphs the author will guide you through a number of critical reviews to help you identify potential solutions. Visit Overcoming a Sales Dip. It will only take you a few minutes to read. Even if things are rosy at your business, you may find some valuable wisdom in this article.

Inspirational Words of the Day

" Failure is the opportunity to begin again with more intelligence. ”
- Henry Ford

It has been said that many of the most successful people are driven by a strong fear of failure. A heightened fear of failure can be an obstacle when your business needs to change with the times. It can also cause you to delay decisions until you miss the best opportunity. Experience, facts, and a small dose of caution should provide you with the confidence to make good, timely business decisions.

Checkmate Tip: An Easy Way to Track Vehicle Bids

Here's a great idea submitted by Roundtable member Tony Faust of Viking Auto Salvage in Minnesota:

Tony suggests using the Checkmate® quote system to record the bids you make over the phone or to walk-ins. It only takes a few seconds and anyone in the business can then locate the bid easily. Here are the steps involved:

1. Do a part lookup for an AUT for the year and model you are bidding.
2. When you have it listed on your screen, enter Q0 (Q + zero) at the prompt to initiate a new quote.
3. When the quote screen opens, enter the name of the person selling the vehicle, any pertinent notes about the vehicle's condition, and your bid amount.
4. Save the quote.
If you receive a call to pick up the vehicle or if it arrives at your business, it only takes a second to look up the quote records for that year and model by going to Display List of Quotes (1,2 or Q2 in Classic). The quote will be listed along with any notes regarding the vehicle's condition.

Do you have a shortcut or unique way of using Checkmate that you believe might help other Roundtable members? We appreciate all such contributions. Please send a brief description of your suggestion to

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