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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 45
June 17, 2009

Leadership Styles

Remember the old saying, "There's more than one way to skin a cat"? The same holds true for leadership. There is more than one way to lead/manage your employees. Three basic leadership styles were identified nearly forty years ago. The links will take you to a short article that describes the styles and then to an eighteen-question online quiz that will help you identify your own style. Once you determine your leadership style you can read about its strengths and weaknesses.

Go to Leadership Styles first. After you've read about the three styles, follow the link below the article or click Quiz-Leadership Styles here to take the two or three minute quiz.

Inspirational Words of the Day

" When the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there. ”
- Cecil Selig, Writer

Discontent with one's current situation may result in the perception that others in a similar situation have it better. If they really have it better, it's because they are doing something different from you. Don't let your discontent foster an incorrect assumption. Keep your focus on improving your "grass."

Checkmate Tip: Put it in the bucket!

Are you using inventory buckets? Checkmate allows you to set up tables that place your parts into "buckets" for reporting purposes. This feature allows you to look at your on-hand inventory on your Dismantling Reports and quickly see how many parts are in each of several locations. The default locations of the five available buckets are "warehouse," "yard," "rack," "hold," and "miscellaneous." You can change the bucket names to suit your needs. Each bucket title will appear on your Dismantling Report. Below their respective columns a number will appear giving inventory counts for each bucket. The number is derived from the location listing(s) assigned to each bucket.

While building a Dismantling Report, Checkmate will look at the locations that are listed in each bucket and count all the parts in inventory that match. This number is then printed out on the report. By looking at the quantities that appear in the buckets, you are able to make a decision about what should happen to the part at the time of dismantling. If you see a large quantity of an item in your warehouse locations then you may want leave the part on the vehicle so you do not take up valuable indoor space or invest labor in removing the part.

To set up buckets, go to 2,3,5 (Classic I12,B). Your screen will show this:

1. Enter: (#) Bucket to Work on, (Q)uit: Enter the number of the bucket you would like to change or enter Q to leave this function.

2. Enter: (T) Alter Title, (A)dd Location, (R)emove Location, (Q)uit: Enter T to change the bucket name, or enter A to add a location, or enter R to remove a location, or enter Q to leave this function. The following is an example of locations and how they work:

EXAMPLE: Title Locations that will show in this bucket
1-WHSE, A????,????S
2-RACK , R????
3-YARD , Y????
4-STORE , S????

Look at bucket #1, titled "WHSE". The computer will search through inventory and count only items whose locations begin with the letter A (A?????) or end with the letter S (?????S). The question marks in the location (A?????) are used like wild cards, where they represent any character. As long as a part's location starts with the letter "A" it will be listed in the "WHSE" bucket. Each bucket can hold up to 19 location codes, each separated by a comma.

Note: Bucket #5 does not allow you to enter a location because it is the default bucket. All items that do not meet the location requirements of buckets #1 through #4 will be counted in this bucket.

Setting up buckets is not difficult as long as you have reasonably well thought-out location numbering. If you have not been using buckets, you will find that buckets can be very useful in a variety of ways. For example, you may have several warehouse locations as one bucket and a yard location as another. If you have another store or warehouse you can also have this one as a bucket. By doing this you can see on the report where the parts are located and make the decision to pull the part for the bucket that needs it. You can use the buckets sort of like the stock levels in the price book, and may always want at least one off in the warehouse. You may have parts in the yard bucket and none in the warehouse bucket, and if this part is of high demand you know to pull the part for the warehouse. If this is a part you needed for a customer and it turns out bad, can see by the report if you have any in the yard or at another location.

In case you need one:

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