You probably spend well over half of your waking hours at work. Many of them are likely spent in your office or on the counter. In either case, even just a few minutes spent reconfiguring your work area may make a big difference in productivity and comfort. You may be surprised about how much of a difference a few minor adjustments can make.
Visit 60 Seconds to a Better Office Space Design for a quick lesson on improving your work space. Once you try this, you're likely to find ideas that you can apply to help some of your other employees.
Inspirational Words of the Day
"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.”
- Personal Achievement Coach, Michael Altshuler
To be as good as you can demands effective management of your time. At every moment you have multiple options on how to use your time. Constantly striving to achieve the goals you established is a habit that will serve you well. Learn to refer to your goals often. Chip away at them constantly, applying your time efficiently, and you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish.
Checkmate Tip: The Power of !
Entering an ! (exclamation point) at the "Go to" prompt on your find and sell screen opens a powerful search tool. This tool enables you to search inventory, sales, customer activity, or vehicles by a variety of methods.