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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 39
March 25, 2009

Uncommon Employee Benefits

While it's not possible for most small business to offer a benefit package that equals those at major corporations, there are creative benefits that will both appeal to your employees and not be a burdensome expense for the company. This is the classic "think outside of the box" exercise. What can you offer that would appeal to your employees? What benefits could make your company a unique and special place to work? How can you reward employees for longevity or exceptional performance? How do you make employees feel appreciated? You can begin to see that the answers to some of these questions may not be monetary rewards. The one thing they have in common is the need for you to understand what your employees need. A proactive program to meet these needs will generate rewards in employee satisfaction.

This issue's link will help you get start developing new benefits that meet the criteria above. Take a few minutes to explore 8 Uncommon Benefits Your Employees Will Love. You will discover some specific benefit suggestions there. But, more importantly, you will also see some general ideas on how to approach this task and why it's important.

Inspirational Words of the Day

"Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.”
- Thomas A. Edison

Checkmate Tip: VIN Cleanup

CheckmateŽ has a tool that will help you identify vehicles in your inventory that have no VIN in the AUT record or have an incorrect VIN. Having correct VINs in your records is important for SmartVin&trade to be able to identify your vehicles and will become even more important with the recently announced Department of Justice reporting requirements.

Go to 6,14 in Checkmate (S14 in Classic) to create a VIN Error Report listing your VIN discrepancies. The report will look similar to this:

Checkmate will identify the discrepancies and suggest the nature of the error. You can often correct the mistake by referring to your title records or even going to the vehicle itself if it is still in your inventory. Many vehicle parts also carry VIN labels that you can reference if the vehicle is no longer standing.

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