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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 37
February 25, 2009

Improve Sales by Improving Your Salespeople

We often end up in unexpected places when researching information to help you improve your business. That happens because many other industries, even some far removed from parts recycling, face the same or very similar challenges that you face on a daily basis. Growing sales by better managing and motivating salespeople is one of the common challenges.

This issue's link will take you to a trade magazine serving the consumer electronics industry. The tough economy has deeply affected that industry, as evidenced by mass store closures taking place across the country. Here are some ideas you may not have thought about to help improve the performance of your sales staff. We're sure you will find 5 Ways to Improve Your Salespeople's Success a worthwhile read.

Inspirational Words of the Day

" We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
- Albert Einstein

Go ahead: think outside of the box. According to Wikipedia, "To think outside the box is to eliminate false constraints when attempting to solve a problem." Sometimes solving persistent problems requires a fresh approach. Keep in mind that your inability to solve a problem may be that you are too close to it. You may even be the problem without realizing it. Don't be afraid to ask for advice from others, even outside of your business and even outside of the industry. A fresh, independent appraisal of your vexing problem may have just the idea you need to solve it.

Checkmate Tip: Navigating Long Fields Faster

After printing a work order or an invoice in Checkmate®, you are returned to the "Find & Sell Parts" screen. It is possible to set defaults to either have the lookup criteria still available to you, or have it cleared from the screen, presenting you with a blank screen that ready for another lookup. You can also clear the old data by using <CTRL> Z then C.

If you would prefer to return to a lookup screen cleared of the old data, you have that option. The clear screen defaults are set in the "Device Maintenance - Sales Defaults" menu in 6,9,S (S5,S in Classic) which is shown below:

If Yes is selected as a default, the system will perform the equivalent of an <CTRL> Z then C to the "Find & Sell Parts" screen after printing the invoice or work order. This will remove all VIN, Customer, Year, Model, Part, Stock #, Tag #, Interchange #, and Search criteria, and all related information. If you select No as your entry, the system will return to the ”Find & Sell Parts” screen with the lookup criteria left as it was at the beginning of the prior transaction.

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