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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 33
December 30, 2008

You Can't Do It All

The owner's role in a business changes as the business matures. While intense hands-on management may have been appropriate in the early stages of your business, it's likely that the sheer amount of work and detail will overcome your ability to maintain that management style as the business grows. It's not easy to turn over to another person some of the responsibilities that you felt were so important that only you could do them well enough. Some owners find it so difficult that they attempt to continue their old management style by working longer hours and shouldering more and more stress. It does not have to be that way.

The secret to freeing yourself of some of the work and worry is to begin to delegate more. Your business will never reach its full potential as long as you are the bottleneck restricting its success. Start off the New Year with a resolution to develop delegation skills. Not only will this free you to concentrate on steering your business through the tough economic challenges ahead, but it will also nurture your key employees. They will become better trained and be more valuable to the company as they learn to do some of the work previously done by you.

Delegating is not natural to most people. It is a skill to be learned. This week's link will take you to an article that will help you get started. Be sure to take a few minutes to read this article. The knowledge there could help you reshape your business and your life. Click on Successful Delegation to find out how you can tap the power of other people's help.

  Inspirational Words of the Day
"What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds. ”
- Wayne Dyer

Whether you think you can or think you can't do a something, you're right. That might sound familiar. It's a quote from Henry Ford which was discussed in Nugget 10. Wayne Dyer's words express a similar philosophy: what we think plays an important role in our lives. You've heard the expression "get in the right frame of mind." What you think and what you feel influence what you accomplish. Want to be happy? Then think happy thoughts, believe you can be happy, and banish unhappy and negative thoughts. You'll feel better and the world around you will seem a little brighter.

Do you have a goal you want to accomplish? Reduce it to writing and post it where you'll see it often. Each time you see it, read it. You really can accomplish it. Convince yourself of that and you're well on your way to achieving it. This is a great way to be sure that this year's New Year's resolutions don't just end up being next year's all over again.

Checkmate Tip: Customized Inventory Reports

The Customized Inventory Report (Checkmate: 2,8,1. Classic: U20,2) can be used for a broad search range of items or just a narrow search. The questions that are asked when you set up the report help you zero in on exactly what you need. You can build the report for a single part type, multiple parts, or all parts. You can filter by stock number by selecting the specific attributes of the stock number range you desire. If you choose, you can also sort by locations using a specific location, multiple locations, or a range of locations using the identifying data in your location codes. In addition, you can also filter by part condition and type. You can even specify that the report show only those parts that need to have an interchange number assigned. You also have the option of showing either the "days in stock" or the "days since checked" for each part.

Here are some good examples of how this report can be used: (1) show all of the parts that should be in a specific location (2) show all of the ENGs (3) show all of the AUT records with a stock number starting with 2008 by entering "2008??????" or (4) show all of the VUC records, which should show exactly which vehicles are in the yard.

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