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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 32
December 17, 2008

Use Competitive Advantage to Your Advantage

Do you know what your competitive advantage is? Is there something you do better than your competition? Be honest now. If you do not have such an advantage, why should potential customers buy from you? If you've not yet ventured down this road it's high time to identify your strengths and be sure you are capitalizing on them. You cannot afford to overlook your strength or move blindly forward without understanding how you stack up against your competitors.

This week's link will take you to an article that expands on this topic. Click on Competitive Advantage to read more.

  Inspirational Words of the Day
"The future is no place to place your better days.”
- Dave Mathews

There's surely nothing wrong with planning your future. In fact, it is foolish not to plan. But it's also unwise to overlook your happiness today in hopes of being happier in the future. Balance is the key. Enjoy life today because you will never have the same chance again. While you're at it, help someone else have a day to remember.

Checkmate Tip: Don't do it!

The AUT record is the permanent vehicle identification record in CheckmateŽ. It is the master record that maintains the sales history of the vehicle. Permanent means that the AUT should NEVER be deleted.

The VUC is a temporary record. It is created when the vehicle is inventoried to represent the physical car itself. It is deleted when the vehicle is sold or scrapped. It provides a quick way to search the vehicles currently in your standing inventory. Also, the AV (alternate vehicle) function uses the VUC part code. If you do not currently inventory the VUC, your AV function will not work properly.

If you have not been inventorying VUC records and would like to start, your support rep may be able to assist you by creating them from your AUT records, provided the location codes for your AUT records identify which vehicles are still standing. Call your support rep for further information.

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