How often do you use Google or Yahoo to search for a business or product? If you are like most people, it is probably far more often than you use the Yellow Pages. How your website is ranked in search results is based on complex algorithms but there are still some basic site design criteria that can improve your placement in the search results. Click to see how to make your website become a "go-to" site to access the full article with its valuable tips.
Inspirational Words of the Day
"You've got to look for a gap, where competitors in a market have grown lazy and lost contact with the readers or the viewers.”
- Rupert Murdoch
Mr. Murdoch is a giant in the communications and media industry and this quote refers to his audience, his customers. The message is appropriate for you business too. In today's business environment, you cannot afford to lose contact with your customers. Many of your customers have been affected by the slowdown too. They're looking for a way to sell more and reduce costs just like you. Meeting those needs of theirs is not just an opportunity for you to profit now, but also a chance to strengthen your relationship with them for the future. Those recyclers who are aggressive and innovative now have a chance to position their businesses for explosive growth as the economy improves. Manage your business wisely today, but build for the future too.
Checkmate Tip: A quick and easy way to view account activity
You can print a list of activity for an account without having to print a statement. The 3,12 report (Print Invoice Register) shows all transactions for an account for a selected date range in report form like this:
A sale is not a sale until the cash is collected!
Selling something and collecting the money are two different things. It's up to you to make sure you actually get paid. Make this is one of your highest priorities so that you receive every dollar that is due you. This is a critical aspect of your business that you can't afford to ignore. Many shops and dealers have experienced a sharp decline in sales that has seriously disrupted their cash flow. Many businesses are no longer able to borrow money from their traditional sources. Don't let your business become their bank. That is not only costly as it ties up the cash you need to operate your own business, but it is also extremely risky. We've already seen the failure of numerous new car dealerships and more will follow.
Talk to your customers about your terms early in the selling process. Begin a proactive process for calling to check the status of an invoice within seven days after its due date. Make frequent additional calls to check the status of any past-due invoices. Aggressively work outstanding invoices before they become a problem. Enforce account limits and refuse additional credit to customers with delinquent balances. Don't become a victim.