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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 28
October 23, 2008

Add More Horsepower to Your Website!

Hopefully you already have a website and it has the functionality to allow visitors to search your inventory. Those are the first steps in developing your web-based business. If you need help with these basics please contact your Car-Part representative.

Many recyclers already use the Internet to generate significant sales that they would not otherwise enjoy. Do they know something you don't? This issue's featured link will show you some easy steps you can take to make your website more productive. Click on 10 Ways to Make Your Website Work Harder to look at suggestions from Dell's Small Business 360 site.

  Inspirational Words of the Day
"Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans.”
- Anonymous

Are you having fun yet? One of the joys of owning your own business is the satisfaction you get from seeing it grow. If you’re no longer experiencing that joy it may be time to step back and examine your priorities. It’s all too easy to get wrapped up in the daily stress of managing the business to the point where fun and pride are non-existent. While it's important to plan for the future, you cannot overlook the present. Here are a few tips to help you regain balance:
  • Plan for success and take the steps to make it happen.
  • Reward yourself with time away from the business. You need and deserve that.
  • See to the needs of your family. Don't let the business steal that away from you.
  • Surround yourself with positive people who care about success, yours and theirs.
  • Learn from your peers and apply that knowledge.
  • Develop an exit strategy so you know when and how you plan to leave your business.
  • Provide for a long and happy retirement
That's a short list but it is a start. With a little thought you will be able to personalize it by adding other things important to you. Keep your list handy and refer to it often. That’s how you make good things happen.

Checkmate Tip: Leveraging the Power of Checkmate Quotes

Have you ever tried to remember how much you quoted or where you sourced a part you are brokering? Here is an easy way to keep track: to quote a part that you've looked up but do not have in stock, type Q0 (Q + zero) in the "Enter" field. As you toggle through the quote fields enter the price you quoted in the "PRICE" field. If you located the part, enter the source and cost in the "NOTES" field.

If you need to locate that quote or any others you've written from the Find and Sell screen, simply type QL in the "Enter" field. A list will open showing all of the quotes that are still active for only the part you looked up. You can then select the quote and continue the sale process from it.

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