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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 27
October 8, 2008

Put some emotion into it!

Companies have only recently begun to look at EI (Emotional Intelligence) as an important element in professional success. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand what they mean, and realize how your emotions affect other people. Emotional intelligence helps you understand how they feel; this allows you to manage relationships with them more effectively.

The good news is that emotional intelligence can be taught and developed. Many books and tests are available to help you determine your current EI, and identify where you may need to do some work. Click on Emotional Intelligence to learn more about this important topic.

  Inspirational Words of the Day
"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.”
- Lou Holtz

How you react to the things that happen to you will determine your effectiveness as a manager and as a person. No two lives are alike, and none of us face exactly the same challenges. It is this difference that limits how effectively you can learn to respond to your personal challenges using education or the experiences of others. What you face will undoubtedly be different and unique to you. However, you can learn to respond appropriately and quickly using what knowledge and experience you have as supplements to your own instincts. This will help ensure that you seize the opportunities put before you and limit the damage you endure from the disasters, big or small, that you must confront.

Checkmate Tip: "Wild Card" Searches

Sometimes it can be tricky to find a part that you believe you have in stock but cannot locate through the normal find and sell process. This can result from no interchange being available for late or older models, or small parts not having an interchange number. While alternate vehicle (AV) and alternate part (AP) searches recently added to Checkmate® can often uncover the part you need, there is still another search feature in Checkmate that you can employ.

You can do a "wild card" search by defining certain criteria and then using these tips:

Search all of your inventory for a part from a specific model: Enter the part code, the year, year range, or all, and then enter *MODEL to search all of your parts by that manufacturer. (e.g. *B will display all Buick parts that match the other search criteria.)

Search all of your inventory for a part from a specific car maker: Enter **MODEL to search the entire manufacturer's group. (e.g. **B or **GM will display all GM models that match the search criteria.)

You can also use the "Search" field to search your inventory for keywords or number strings (full or partial) that appear in your part description. This is particularly useful if you need a certain color part or manufacturer's part number, provided that data is in the description. Using the "Search" field in conjunction with the model or manufacturer search enables you to quickly search a broad spectrum of vehicles for the exact part you need.

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