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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 26
Sept 24, 2008

Take Control!
Managing Worker's Compensation Insurance Costs

It hurts to write that worker's compensation insurance check. In many states, the cost significantly increases your payroll costs. While some states have implemented changes in recent years to help alleviate the strain on employers, the challenge of controlling this expense is yours. This issue's link is to a short article suggesting five steps most businesses can take to help moderate worker's comp costs. Visit "Put a cap on it" for the full article.

Inspirational Words of the Day

"Ya gots to work with what you gots to work with.”
- Stevie Wonder


The most successful businesses, in any industry, have learned how to use the talent available to them. We always try to select the best possible candidate from the pool of applicants and hope that we can train them to perform the work at hand. But are we really making highest use of each employee's talents? Do we even realize what those talents are? One way to approach this challenge is through the implementation of an "Employee Performance Evaluation" program. This will ensure that management frequently evaluates how each employee is performing as part of a process to identify strengths and weaknesses. Once those are understood, we can address shortcomings and capitalize on strengths. Click "Basics of Conducting Employee Performance Appraisals" for more information on performance reviews.

Checkmate Tip: Cheap Insurance

The price of a good backup is negligible when compared to the costs of losing data. By following a few simple steps, you can help safeguard your data:

  1. Buy a box of DVD-RWs. They are very inexpensive.
  2. Do It and Check It: Make sure that your backup is scheduled to run every night. We recommend 8:00. Also, every morning, go into 6,3 (S6,4 for classic) and verify that your backup completed. You should see a message that states "Backup Completed Successfully" and yesterday's date. If it doesn't say "Backup Completed Successfully", then you should place a mark on the DVD and go onto the next day. If you do not receive a "Backup Completed Successfully" on the next night, contact your support rep. If the failed DVD is used again and it works, there is no problem. If it fails again, discard the DVD. DVDs do wear out over time.
  3. We recommend a weekly rotation of DVDs. These DVDs should be taken home at the end of the day. Off-site backup is critical in the event of fire or natural disaster. Also, in the pack that you take home, you should also include the latest CheckmateŽ Software and Interchange Release CD. With this CD and a backup, your support rep will be able to restage the computer.
  4. Each month remove a DVD from the rotation and take it home. Keep it somewhere safe off-site. By doing this, you will have an archive of your data that can be accessed by your support rep. When you do this, just replace the archived DVD with a new DVD.
  5. Don't forget to label your DVDs, this will greatly speed your recovery effort and help you keep track of your backups.
  6. Checkmate does keep copies of your data on the hard drive. It is very important that you have a second, separate "D:" drive on your system. Checkmate will keep a week's worth of backups on that hard drive.

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