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Nugget 23
August 13, 2008

Free Training Link

The Internet is a phenomenal resource that lets small business owners access valuable information that was previously unavailable or too costly. This issue features a site that offers free employee safety training with a number of programs relevant to auto recycling processes. Oklahoma State University provides many of these programs in multiple formats: all can be taken online, many can be downloaded as a Microsoft Power Point file to use for a classroom style presentation, and a few can even be downloaded as MS Word files. In addition to the training programs, there is a selection of print handouts and links to other training sites. With all of these resources, you should be able to locate nearly any safety training program or support materials you need. Visit OSU Online Safety Training today.

Inspirational Words of the Day

"Give the public everything you can give them, keep the place
as clean as you can keep it, keep it friendly. ”

- Walt Disney


There's something to be learned from the man whose dreams became "The Magic Kingdom®." The "magic" comes not only from the experience, but also in the expectation. It's the result of well orchestrated promotion followed closely by orchestrated production performed to high standards. While your business will probably never become a "Magic Kingdom," it can still benefit from studying the Disneyland®/ Disney World® experience.

Walt's quote is a "magic" formula: give your customers more than they expect; keep the facility clean, bright, and cheerful; train your employees to excel at being friendly, attentive, and concerned for the needs of their customers. This alone will make your business stand head and shoulders above most of your competition.

Checkmate Tip: Force Invoice Questions

Checkmate® has a feature that allows you to customize the questions that are asked as an invoice is created. Many customers require that your invoice show their Repair Order (R.O.) number so that they can identify the job when the part is received. To make that change, go to "Change Invoicing Questions" (6, 10, 2 or S3,2 in Classic). You can modify the questions to be asked by entering "Yes" as you toggle through the choices. Note that you also have the option of changing the settings by account type.

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