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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 22
July 30, 2008

Free Advertising

We all know that "word-of-mouth" advertising is not only free but also more productive than most other forms. There is another type of free promotion that can help your business: public relations (PR). The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) coined the first widely accepted description of "public relations" in 1988, which was that "public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other." While this might seem a little obtuse, it was crafted to accommodate a wide variety of organizations. In the case of your company, it means getting the word out about your business, usually at little or no cost. You've probably noticed articles in trade magazines, newspapers, and even television segments that feature a business and tell the public the unique features or benefits of what that business offers.

Few recyclers make effective use of PR. Here is a great opportunity to get positive exposure for your business and a "one-up" on your competition. While it's free, it will still require that you develop a compelling story to see it published. This issue's link has a number of approaches to help you get started. Go to free publicity to learn more.

Inspirational Words of the Day

"The best way to keep your head above water is to
touch bottom."

- Author Unknown


It's widely accepted that experience is the best teacher. It can also be the most traumatic. Parents have seen how difficult it is to teach their children based on their own experience or commonly accepted knowledge. Sometimes children just have to make their own mistakes to gain insight from experience. Unfortunately, many adults also seem to prefer that method of learning.

The Recycler Executive Roundtable program was designed to help save you from the agony others experienced in learning a hard lesson. In our meetings you'll learn from those who touched bottom and recovered. You'll also learn from those who have gone only upward and continue to prosper. The other Roundtable members will learn from your shared experiences as well. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and confidants that you can also confer with between meetings.

Be sure to set aside the time to attend your Roundtable meetings. You will leave the meetings with new knowledge gained efficiently in an informal, yet confidential setting, at the lowest possible cost. Remember, the others in your group are looking forward to learning from you too.

Checkmate Tip

You can greatly speed up the sales process by changing the number of times your cursor "stops" when creating an invoice. In order to do this, go to Terminal Settings (6,9 in Checkmate®; S5 in Classic) and then go to the sales screen. Choice number 5 lists all of the places your cursor will stop when you press "Enter." If there is a field that you rarely use, change it to "bypassed". You can still enter data into that field if you "arrow" back to it. However, since that field is rarely used, your cursor will not stop there. Conversely, if you always fill out a field (for example "PO Number" for accounts), you can have the cursor stop there for the "Account" customer but have it skip that field for walk-in customers.

By customizing this setting, you can speed up the sales process significantly. It's said that "time is money," so be sure to explore this feature today!

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