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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 21
July 16, 2008

In A Rut?

The status quo is no longer acceptable. You're not getting the results you need. You know that something needs to change but you're not sure what. You need to identify the real problem and find a solution. You need a new approach and fresh ideas. This issue's link can help you with both. Visit Mind Tools for tips on analyzing the problem and generating fresh ideas to solve it.

Inspirational Words of the Day

"Here at work, obviously, I make the most money of anyone on the show, so I try to be the first one here and the last one to leave. I have the crummiest office. I try to balance things out, spread it around.”
- Jay Leno


You set the tone in your business by your behavior more than your words. If you display casual work habits, you send the subconscious message to your employees that such behavior is acceptable. If you won't recognize superior performance with superior wages, yet display a lavish lifestyle, you send a very confusing message to your employee that is likely to create negative feelings that will ultimately affect performance. When business is bad and things are tight, sacrifice. Your crew will get the message. When things are good, celebrate success and recognize every employee's contribution.

Customize Parts Display Order

Checkmate® allows you to edit the order in which parts display on the sales screen for each user. This can be used to set up the sequence to the user’s preference. You can also set up a display order that will prompt more activity on older parts, those with lesser quality, or those in a specific location such as your warehouse, by sorting by the preferred category.

To change the display order go to Terminal Settings (6,9 in Checkmate; S5 in Classic). Press < Enter> to accept the default user name, or enter any other user's name to change that person's settings, if you have multiple yards set up you can enter the specific yard number or numbers, now select < S > to change "Sales Defaults," and then enter < 14 > for "Sales Display Order." This will open the window shown here. Note that the default setting is to sort first by Type (T) and then by Year (Y).

We recommend that you keep "Type" as your primary sort. Your second and third sorts can be changed to reflect your preferences. For instance, if you leave "Year" as the second sort and change the "third sort" to "E" (Date Entered) and its sort order to "D" (Descending) your parts will show in this sequence: (1) Type (2) model year within type (3) by the number of days they've been in your inventory with the oldest parts first within each model year.

If you have a user assigned almost exclusively to retail sales, you might consider changing that user's third sort to "P" (Part Grade) in "D" (Descending) order. This will show your lesser grade parts first (X-C-B-A) within the year category to subtly suggest these to your salesperson.

You can also sort by location to simplify parts checking and to encourage your sales staff to sell warehoused parts rather than those still on the vehicle.

Keep in mind that once these settings are changed for an employee, they will be used at any terminal that employee logs onto. This is a "user" setting that will only apply to the user you designated when making the change.

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