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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 19
June 23, 2008

Success Is No Accident

Look around your city. You will see highly successful businesses in almost every industry. You will also see businesses in the same industry that have failed. Every failure will have an excuse, yet others offering the same product or service are thriving. The ultimate responsibility for the failure rests with the person at the top. Success requires a willingness to innovate and to change. It may also take learning new approaches to managing your business and your personal life.

Visit the small business pages at to find numerous resources to help put you on the road to success. Start with the 7 Habits of Business Success. Here you will find suggestions for seven habits that will serve you well on your quest for greater success. Maybe you already practice a few of them. Tackle the others in the order that seems easiest to you.

These seven habits alone will not guarantee greater success. But each one is an approach to implementing beneficial change. Let us know how they work for you.

Inspirational Words of the Day

"He who stops being better, stops being good."
- Oliver Cromwell


Times change. Things change. People change. Yet resistance to change is a strong human instinct. However, there is no standing still. Because the things around you are changing, you will be forced to change. This challenge is to change for the better. How you repeatedly do that in your personal life, as well as in your business, will be a real test of character. Are you strong enough to constantly seek improvement? Positive changes can be exhilarating and fulfilling. Don't let a day go by without doing something to make you a better person and something to make your business better. You will love how it makes you feel.

A Date, Please?

When building Checkmate reports you have three options for entering dates:

(1) You can enter the date as six digits (Example: 061808).

(2) You can simply enter ‹ Return › at the date prompt to insert today’s date.

(3) You can enter a dash (-) followed by the number of days and the system will calculate the date for that many days ago. For instance, "-90" will insert and display the date 90 days ago from today's date. Calendar research is unnecessary. This is particularly useful when you want to build a report covering a specified range of days, such as a Vehicle Profitability Report.

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