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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 30
August 2009
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

There are so many new issues to talk about since my last letter: "Cash for Clunkers," NMVTIS, and the training event.

The "Cash for Clunkers" law was passed and we need to stay on top of this information. This law restricts the parts that automotive recyclers can sell, and also gives consumers a credit for trading in fuel-inefficient cars and trucks. ARA is claiming this new law as partial victory because everything on the qualifying cars can be recycled except the engine block. Information about the new law is available at

The most current NMVTIS information, including quick reference guides for Fast Parts customers, is available on the ARASC-VINS page on the Product website. You will need a username and password to access this information. If you don't have a username and password, call me and I can give you one.

We had a most remarkable training event in Ft. Wright, Kentucky at the end of July and if you did not attend you missed a great learning experience. We had many classes about all the issues that you have daily. Our users got to share their ideas while our staff was there to show all the new features and upcoming products and Fast Parts are working on.

After the show, I think every Fast Parts customer has called and ordered the Car-Part Gold package and the Partmate inventory tool with SmartVin. The great thing about the training event is that it gave recyclers time away from the business to concentrate on ways to improve their business. All it takes is a few days with your peers to see so many new methods to work smarter and consider the new products we have designed to help with the process. Next year we will be planning another training event and I just hope we can bring it up to the quality of this year's event.

If you are behind in your inventory process, please call me about Partmate and if you want more sales I have many ways services can help you with that. Give me a call and we can help with any auto recycling management questions you may have.

Have a great sales month and I will look forward to hearing from you. Whenever you have question about our new products, industry news, or extra training please give me a call.

Thank You!

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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