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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 28
January 2009
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

It is the start of another year and the hope for better business is in all our minds. Last year was very interesting with many changes to our industry. This year is made for those people who love a challenge. With that in mind, I would like to challenge all the Fast Parts users to make this the best year ever. We all get comfortable using the same business practices year after year, but now is the time to break some of the old habits and start using new technologies designed to increase that sales figure for your business. has been working hard to make the tools that can help you with more sales. Have you looked at your website lately? Are you letting your customers look up your parts on the Internet with your website? Are you partnering up with other recyclers and aftermarket vendors to show their parts as though they are in your inventory? Are you taking advantage of the Internet messaging tools that can speed up your buying and selling? I could go on and on with questions about new technologies but most of you know you could improve your business so what is holding you back? Give me a call and we can discuss your business and what might help you have better control of your inventory and a larger market to sell your parts.

Fast Parts has made a huge effort to get you the latest interchange information as soon as it becomes available. Make sure your update fee is paid up so you can receive the new updates as they are released. If you have any questions about which version of the interchange you should have, please call 1(800) 288-7414. If you are a Car-Part Gold user, you can IM your tech for an instant answer to any question. That is another reason to have a Car-Part. Gold account; you can get your service technician without telephone switchboard delays.

Have a great year and call me soon.

Thank You!

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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