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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 25
October, 2008
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

"Times are a changing" as the song goes. All of you who were heavy into the scrap metal part of our business now need to switch gears and become more aggressive in parts sales. With the price of scrap going way down, Fast Parts® and Car-Part can help you with quicker inventory and give you ways of selling more parts.

With the Partmate™ portable inventory software, you can speed up the inventory process and increase the information about each part. We have had the Partmate for our Linux users for a while and overall it seems to be a great success with most of our users telling us it is much faster. We will have the Partmate ready for our Windows users very soon and will be contacting all of you who sent me your pre-registration forms. If you did not pre-register for Partmate please call me today so we can speed up your inventory process and show more parts to your online partners.

We need to sell more aftermarket parts and Car-Part has made this process quick and more economical. With the Trading Partners™ feature you will be able to see Brock Supply, Nu-Parts and The Connection along with other vendors so you can price shop the best priced part for your customer. I have been told that the speed of finding the parts and being able to quote the best priced part has increased profits of many Fast Parts users by thousands of dollars.

The ARA convention is in Kansas City, MO this month and I will be interested in hearing what our industry leaders have to say about the newest events in the economy and how they think our industry will be affected. If you have a chance to attend this ARA convention I would love to talk to you about what you think and show you our new products developed to help with getting more parts sales.

Thanks to all of our users for making the Car-Part family of products, Fast Parts, Checkmate®, and Car-Part web services the best products in the industry for making you more money. If you have any questions or comments about Car-Part, Checkmate or Fast Parts please give me a call. I have some of you that like to contact me by email so I will give that to you also. My phone number is (800) 288-7415 and email is

Thank You,

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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