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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 24
August 2008
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

I am proud to announce that we have moved into our new office. It seemed like we tried to pick the hottest summer day to move, and I think we succeeded. With the move out of the way, we are working very hard on the improvements to the system that you have suggested.

I have been very happy to hear about all the increased sales that the site is generating. Talking to our users that have the product, Trading Partners™, they told me they have seen a dramatic increase in aftermarket parts sales. When they mark the vendors as trading partners, they have instant access to availability and prices of aftermarket parts. Even better, Car-Part users who have Car-Part Messaging™ can order the aftermarket part with just a click of a button instead of calling. Then they get the part from the best priced vendor. When you have time give me a call and let me explain how it works.

You should be receiving new updates to the interchange at a very accelerated pace. We have a much more efficient method of getting the updates to you as they are released. Be sure to install the updates as you receive them because this information is very valuable to your business. When you have questions about installing the update you can call our new tech line where an operator will get you the right tech to help you. That tech line is the same: 800-288-7414. Because we have had so many new Fast Parts users lately we have added some new techs to our help line. So don't be surprised if you get some new voices on the line.

I have been very busy demonstrating how the new Partmate™ inventory tool works in our Linux Fast Parts systems. The feedback I've received is that most everyone agrees that Partmate allows you to inventory your parts faster and with more information about each part. If you have a Linux Fast Parts system, give me a call about Partmate and learn how it can save you time on the inventory process. For the Windows® Fast Parts users, we are working hard to finish Partmate. If you want to be one of the first Windows Partmate users you can pre-register with me now.

This month I am going to be in central Pennsylvania at the PARTS convention. Don't be surprised if you see me walk in your business because I will be out and about for the next few months showing Car-Part Gold and Partmate. I will still be answering your calls on my cell phone so be sure to call me about all the new Fast Parts and Car-Part products.

Thank You,

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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