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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 19
February 2008
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

It is always good to have an extra day and with leap year being this year we can have that special day. Why don’t you use that day to inventory those vehicles you have not got around to putting in your system? Remember the more you inventory the more you will sell. Our new Partmate portable tool is just about ready and we are looking forward to setting you up on it very soon.

It is also that time of year that you will be receiving the update to your Fast Parts system. Be sure to install the new updates when they arrive. If you have any questions about the update please call the tech. line 800-288-7414. Alan, Jack, Tim and our newest support member Steven are ready to help you with any questions you may have. To avoid any delays receiving your updates, make sure your account and fees are current.

If you are a user and have not upgraded to the “Trading Partners” level you are missing some very important features. Many recyclers sell aftermarket parts to supplement their inventory of used parts and keep their customers happy. Only with the Trading Partners product can you see all the major aftermarket vendors at one glance. If someone calls for a tail lamp and you don’t have one you will be able to see Brock Supply, the Connection, and other’s inventory. This makes it so handy to quickly make the sale and keep your customers coming back to you every time. The Trading Partners product has many more features so when you have the time give me a call and I will explain all the time saving, money making ideas that has come up with to help you with increasing that bottom line.

The auto salvage industry convention schedule continues with the Greater Midwest ARA convention and trade show in Des Moines, IA March 27th through March 29th. I would enjoy seeing you if you can make it to Des Moines. I will have a booth and would enjoy showing you the new Partmate product and talk to you about the bright future of Fast Parts new products.

As always I enjoy your input and suggestions about our inventory system and please feel free to call with your ideas and questions. You can reach me almost anytime at 1(800) 288-7415. Enjoy your extra Leap Year Day and I will have more for you next month.

Thank you,

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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