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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 17
November 2007
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

The winter months are starting, and now is the time to look at the business and what improvements you can make for the New Year. As always, I believe Sales is the most important area to improve your business. If you started selling on this year, then you might look to learn more about the gold features that can reach more buyers. Let me know if you would like to know more about the many new features of the Car-Part Gold package that can improve your sales.

New Developments: The developers are working on an exciting portable inventory tool that will be a vast improvement to the way you inventory your vehicles. The name of the new tool is “Partmate” and should be ready early 2008 for your Fast Parts system. I have been working with it and I know all of the easy-to-use features will improve, as well as speed up, the inventory process. This is a well thought out program that will be priced low enough for everyone to want it for their inventory process.

Fast Parts Training: How long has it been since you’ve had some Fast Parts training? Alan Chaney has all the new ways to use the Fast Parts system and will keep you up-to-date with all the improvements we have made. Even I have to keep my ears to the ground so I can keep up with the new features. Do you use the work order feature, quotes or maybe you just need to refresh your memory about the shortcuts you can use on the Fast Parts system. Whatever your needs are Alan and all of the support team are ready to help.

On the Road: I just got back from the New York trade show in Albany, and Fast Parts is still the System everyone is talking about. That show is the last of the year and I want to thank everyone who came out to see me at the many state auto recycling conventions I attended. I will send you a list of the shows I will be attending in 2008, and I would love to see you at the nearest show to you. This coming year would be a great time to come out to one of the shows so you can see some of the exciting new features we are introducing to your system.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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