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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 13
July 2007
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

I hope business is good and you are getting the most use out of your Fast Parts inventory system. I always like to remind you of the many features that we have added over the years like quotes, work orders, laptop inventory and lost sales reports. If you are not using these features because you don’t understand them give us a call so we can educate you on the process. I think you will find that these features can help you in running your business. If you have an internet connection, then you can have your inventory data sent automatically to and FastNnet. Give your Fast Parts tech support team a call for more information.

The Car-Part Internet site continues to break records in selling used parts. Any Fast Parts user can put their inventory on Car-Part and increase their sales. has many features to help you sell more parts but the most important feature is that anyone can search the Car-Part site to buy your inventory. Sell to over 3000 auto recyclers nationwide. has worked hard attending Mechanic and Body shop conventions to promote the use of the Car-Part site. Along with partnering with Insurance companies to use the Car-Part site to develop their repair estimates; they have become the smartest way to sell used auto parts.

Car-Part does all the work in preparing your inventory to be shown on the internet. There are many Fast Parts users that show their inventory with a phone number, so users can call you about your parts. You don’t need to be a computer jockey to use Car-Part. Some users say they think of Car-Part as a smart way to advertise their parts. Unlike the Yellow Pages, with Car Part they are showing just the people that are ready to buy used auto parts. Think about it. For as little as $105.00 per month you will be showing your parts to the United States, Canada, Mexico, and anyone with internet access. If you have not already signed up for or would like to hear about more features that Car-Part has developed to help you sell more parts give me a call today.

I do want to remind you if you find a recycler that needs the Fast Parts inventory system and they buy it, you can get a free month update fee just for letting me know. So when you see one of those Hollander users struggling with his old super DOS system show him there is a better way.

I would like to thank everyone that have called and ordered new products and services from and Fast Parts. Also a big “thank you” for all of you that have shared ideas to help the Fast Parts system remain the best system for the recycling industry.

Thank You,

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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