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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 10
April 2007
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

The last few months have been record breaking months for Fast Parts sales. More and more recyclers are changing over to the easy to use Fast Parts system. Most of our users are signed up for the Car-Part product which works so well on the internet to increase sales and show your parts to the customers looking for them. Some of our users have forgotten about our FastNnet product and are not using it to find parts from our Fast Parts family. FastNnet is a very powerful tool for finding and selling parts and you have it on your system at no charge. If you have questions about how to get the most out of the FastNnet communication product, please give us a call, and we can help you with training.

Once again let me remind you that if you know of a yard that might be helped by our Fast Parts product please give me a call and if they buy the system you will receive a one month update fee for free. I know many of you have friends with small salvage yards that could be helped by listing their parts on FastNnet and Let’s get them to use the Fast Parts system so you can buy and sell more parts to them.

I get calls all the time about how do I do this and that. Keep calling!… It is the only way you can find out all the features that your Fast Parts system offers. Alan, Tim and Jack will be glad to answer all of your questions and if you have any easy ones give me a call.

Remember the Support phone number and the Sales numbers have been separated and now for support call 1(800) 288-7414, for sales call 1(800) 288-7415.

If you can get away we would sure like to see you at the 7th annual “IT” Show in Ft Worth, Texas. The show this year will feature yard tours, computer training, educational seminars, good food and entertainment. If you have never been to one it is fun and very educational. For more information see, or call (434) 791-3323.

Have a great month, and as always call me if you have any questions or comments.

Thank You,

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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