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Tools for Recyclers

Issue 9
February 2007
Hello Fast Parts® Users!

I hope everyone is having a great year so far. We are putting the final touches on the new update which should be out soon. I think you will be impressed with some of the new features that are included in the update. To get the maximum effect of some of the new features you will need to be on the Car-Part Trading Partners package.

If you are on the Basic Car-Part service give me a call so I can explain the advantages of upgrading to the Trading Partners package. Some of you still have not signed up for Car-Part services and I would love to talk to you about showing your parts to the thousands of auto dismantlers, body shops, mechanics, insurance companies and the general public that are looking for your parts. So far everyone I have signed up on the Car-Part site has told me they are making more sales and no one has asked to be removed. That fact alone speaks volumes for the success of selling on the Internet.

If you have questions about the Internet or believe you can’t join these successful auto recyclers because you can’t get high speed Internet give me a call so I can help you sort through the issues. Fast Parts wants all of our users to make the most money with the tools we offer and we are always glad to field questions from our users.

It is the Fast Parts users that have made our inventory management system the fastest growing system in the industry. With your suggestions and questions we are able to bring new features to our system that makes it easier and more profitable to be in the auto salvage business.

As always I look forward to your calls and enjoy the conversations we have. Don’t forget we are still offering a sign-on bonus for all the new Fast Parts users you refer to us. Just give me a call when you think someone might be interested and I will do the rest. Keep up the good work and call when you can.

Thank You,

boB Clark
(800) 288-7415

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