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Tools for Recyclers

Volume 01 - Issue 078
August 2008

There's A New "Kid" in Town

It's deceptively small yet powerful enough to run Bidmate™ and Partmate™.

Check out Fujitsu's own description of their new "ultra-portable" PC:

"The all-new Fujitsu LifeBook U810 has the functionality of a traditional notebook, but only half the size. With a 5.6" Crystal View display and weighing a mere 1.56 lbs, it is one of the world's smallest convertible notebooks, yet it is rich with features that let you work, access e-mail, watch video, listen to MP3s, browse the Internet, take pictures, or stay connected with friends and family.”

In recent tests this unit performed admirably. While not as bright as a few high-end laptops, the screen was satisfactory for outside use but required shading in bright sunlight. The small physical size and light weight of the unit rival that of a PDA while still providing a keyboard for convenience. Battery life running Partmate or Bidmate is estimated at 5+ hours.

The U810 includes wireless networking and integrated Bluetooth. You can use its intuitive touch or pen pad to input data, or use the familiar QWERTY keyboard. It also features an integrated fingerprint sensor that provides a high level of security. The U810 is available with a 40 or 60 GB hard drive. Fujitsu also offers integrated broadband that requires a subscription to the required AT&T service.

The U810 comes standard with the Vista operating system but Fujitsu also offers it with Windows XP. The XP version also includes Windows Vista® Business. Both the Genuine Windows Vista® Business and the Genuine Windows® XP recovery disc and utility are included when XP is specified. Bidmate and Partmate currently require Windows XP, Windows XP Tablet Edition, or Windows 2000.

You may want to look at the Fujitsu if size is an issue for you and you simply must have a smaller unit. For more information on the Fujitsu U810 go to Fujitsu's website. This unit is also discounted at several Fujitsu dealers. They can be accessed through a web search.

Salvage Pools Update

Eagle Auction Pool in Texas is now supported in Bidmate's automatic sales import. See the next article for instructions on how to add a pool to your automatic downloads.

The Verastar Pools in Georgia were converted to IAA on August 18th. Bidmate supports the clipboard import of IAA auctions with instant photo access. IAA sales can also be imported into Bidmate using the automatic download feature. In this method, there is no photo button in Bidmate. However, if you usually keep IAA's website open when you use Bidmate and access IAA's site directly for descriptions and photos, the automatic import method will save time.

Automatic Sales List Import and Processing

Many salvage auctions that are supported in Bidmate are available through the automatic import method. Using this method, you identify the auctions you frequent. Once that list is built, all of the active sales lists for the sites you selected are downloaded and processed into Bidmate with just two mouse clicks.

To access the full list of pools supported in automatic import, select File>Import>Pool Data (Automatic)>Subscription Setup.

When the list is open, select the company and then either double-click on the location or use the ">" button to add that location to "Your Auction Sites." When your list is completed, click "OK" to file it.

Now you can download the current sales lists from "Your Auction Sites" by simply selecting File>Import>Pool Data (Automatic)>Download and Import. In just a few minutes your favorite auctions will be imported into Bidmate and be ready for you to view.

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