Product Sales & Contact Options:
For general information, please call (859) 344-1925
or email
For all Partmate™, Checkmate®, and Orion™ inquiries,
and for current Checkmate users interested in Bidmate™,
Contact the rep listed for your region below:

Tim Schneider (859) 448-3702
Jeff Mastervich (520) 575-0016
Dave Sanford (256) 766-4439
Jason Olson (859) 620-5421
Bob Johnson (859) 344-1925
Ron Matthews (859) 654-0849
Rick Rivera (954) 394-9808
Ron Van Raamsdonk
(250) 483-5174
Jeff Smith
(780) 929-5760
Manuel Herrera EX: 045 686 125-3293
US: (760) 644-3488
Nex: 122*589958*2

For all Web Services, Trading Partners™, Car-Part Messaging™, Car-Part GOLD, Coremate™ and Compass™ inquiries,
and for Pinnacle® and Powerlink® II users interested in Bidmate,
Contact the rep listed for your region below:

Bryan Van Devender (256) 633-4666
Jeff Mastervich (520) 575-0016
Drew VanDevender (256) 765-2315
Bob Johnson (859) 344-1925
Becky McDaniel (256) 767-1928
Tim Schneider (859) 448-3702
Ron Van Raamsdonk
(250) 483-5174
Jeff Smith
(780) 929-5760
Manuel Herrera EX: 045 686 125-3293
US: (760) 644-3488
Nex: 122*589958*2

For additional information regarding Car-part Exchange™:
  • Call (859) 344-1925

For additional information regarding Recycler Executive Roundtables:
  • Call (859) 344-1925
  • Recycler Roundtables are ONLY for Owners and General Managers of facilities currently using the Internet Checkmate management system. (Subject to group size limitations)

For all Fast Parts® inquiries:
  • Call boB Clark toll free at (800) 288-7415.
  • You may also contact Fast Parts via email at

For additional information regarding ARASC-VINS:
  • If you're a recyler interested in supplying your VIN info, call Roger Schroder at (859) 344-1925.
  • If you're a company with a need for VIN title history information, call Jeff Dietrich at (859) 344-1925 to see if you qualify.

Call us at (859) 344-1925, or use the links on the left, to learn how our Tools for Recylers can help you run YOUR BUSINESS
"Faster, Better, Cheaper."